1968 Indianettes
The History Of the Keller High School Indianettes
It took approximately three years for the school board and the Keller administration to give approval for Keller High School to have its very own dance/drill team. A group of very diligent young ladies were determined to see the birth of the "Indianettes" and worked hard to prove the benefits of such an organization. Unfortunately, some of those who worked hard for their cause were never able to participate because approval for the dance/drill team wasn't given until the Spring of 1967. Once approval was given by the KISD, the Haltom Highsteppers assisted in teaching the tryout dance. Three officers were selected by team vote. Sixteen young ladies, ranging from the 9th to 12 grades, were selected to represent the first dance/drill team of Keller High School.
The most important issues at hand involved the selection of uniforms, securing a sponsor, creating funds to offset expenses, and selecting a camp. The new “Indianettes” designed the uniform and the jacket with the assistance of Anita Brown (Cathy Brown’s mother) and Hale’s Costume in Ft. Worth, Texas. The uniform consisted of the body suit, leatherette, and a headband with a feather, gloves and boots. Attendance at camp required a sponsor to be with the team and it appeared that the Indianettes wouldn't be able to attend because a sponsor had not been selected. The Haltom sponsor, Dorothy Mize, stepped in and agreed to "watch" the team and off to SMU they went for their first camp. Because the camp was full, the Indianettes stayed in a motel, along with the Haltom and Richland teams.
The issue of expense was of concern because the members were required to purchase everything unless they raised funds to cover their expenses. The Indianettes established work days....cleaning windows, washing cars, etc. Their biggest fund raiser and spirit booster was selling “blue” light bulbs to community members. When the Keller football team won the football game, porch lights were lit to show spirit and support.
Director: Loyce Miller
Charter Officers: Captain Paddi Buchanan, Lieutenants Beverly Smith and Wanda Williams
Charter Members: Cathy Brown, Pam Conner, Kay Cummings, Cathy Dilley, Sharon Hill, Michey Mabra, Billie McCandless, Jerri McGowan, Jerri Payne, Jill Payne, Gerrell Smith, Leta Smith and Judy Straughn.
The first Indianette sponsor was English/PE teacher Loyce Miller. The Indianettes rehearsed in the rock gym (now a part of the Keller ISD administration building) and on the tennis courts (where the band hall now sits at Keller Middle School). The Indianettes performed with the band and to "canned" music played on a record player through the public address system at football game half times, pep rallies and basketball games.
Director: Loyce Miller
Officers: Beverly Smith, Jerri McGowan, Paddi Buchanan, Billie McCandless
Team Members: Diann Stalcup, Bursey, Jones, O'Brein, Vicki McPherson, Cathy Brown, Sharon Hill, Pam Conner, Leta Smith, Sherry Blocker, Bonnie Grove, Theresa Morris, Gail Payne, Kathy Payne
Director: Carol Smith
Officers: Captain Cathy Brown, Co-Captain Jerri McGowan, Lieutenants Sharon Hill, Vicki McPherson
Manager: Janie Benson
Team Members: Kathy Payne, Mary May, Bonnie Grove, Theresa Morris, Gail Payne, Sherry Blocker, Diann Stalcup, Sherry Burkhart, Libby Bolton, Vickie Burkhart, Judy Hughes, Janet Thornton, Donita Schalchlin, Sharla Bursey, Sherry Jones, Jodi Conner, Effie Dobson, Joan Murrah
The new year brought new changes and challenges. A new sponsor, Carol Smith was hired and the team expanded to twenty-four members plus a team manager. For the first time, the Indianettes began working with props in their routines.
Director: Carol Smith
Officers: Captain Jerri Sue McGowan, Co-Captain Robin Trietsch, 1st Lieutenant Sherry Jones, 2nd Lieutenant Sherry Blocker, Sergeant-at-Arms Sharla Bursey
Team Members: Sherry Burkhart, Vickie Burkhart, Cathy Carter, Effie Dobson, Brenda Drake, Bonnie Grove, Sharon Hill, Judy Hughes, Linda Jones, Mary May, Karen Morris, Joan Murrah, Prissy Owens, Gail Payne, Kathy Payne, Diann Stalcup, Cathy Westbrook
Under the direction of Carol Smith, the Indianettes attended the Blue and Gold Drill Team Camp at East Texas State University and received a trophy for first place. For the first time the officers attended a special camp at Cisco, TX. They were awarded one blue ribbon and two red ribbons.
Director: Andrea Johnson
Officers: Captain Robin Trietsch, Co-Captain Cathy Westbrook, 1st Lieutenant Prissy Owens, 2nd Lieutenant Joan Murrah
Manager: Diane Hill
Team Members: Pam Burkhart, Brenda Drake, Sandy Jones, Lynnette Judge, Rachel Kempe, Donna Kendrick, Tanya Lewis, Debi Luck, Cindy McPherson, Karen Morris, Debbie Richardson, Kathy Richardson
Another change in sponsorship occurred when Mrs. Andrea Johnson took command of the Indianettes. The Indianettes hard work paid off when they were awarded a first place trophy and superior ribbons at camp.
Director: Owen Phillips
Officers: Captain Cathy Westbrook, Co-Captain Pam Burkhart, 1st Lieutenant Brenda Drake, 2nd Lieutenant Sandy Jones
Team Members: Diane Hill, Debbie Richardson, Diane P, Cindy Hall, Ruth M., Barbara G., Kathy M, Karen M, Rochel Kempe, Darlyn C, Brenda P, Lynnette Judge, Cindy McPherson, Sharon Hill, Sheryl McPherson
Mr. Owen Phillips served as the sponsor/director as well as the KHS band Director. Under his directorship, the team organized and performed to the theme of a Doll Shoppe in the annual program “Our Best to You” in Ft. Worth, Texas and in the Miss Haltom-Richland pageant. The team competed at the University of Houston and won a second place trophy. The officers competed at Sam Houston University and brought home second and third place ribbons. Favorite Prop: Stools
Director: Norma Hopkins
Officers: Captain Pam Burkhart, Co-Captain Sheryl McPherson, 1st Lieutenant Sandy Jones, 2nd Lieutenant Barbara Garrison
Norma Hopkins, girl’s coach/PE teacher, was hired as the new sponsor/director. The Indianettes attended camp at East Texas State University and were awarded first place. The officers attended camp at Sam Houston State University where they won a second place overall ribbon. Feathers were eliminated from the uniforms.
Director: Norma Hopkins
Officers: Captain Sheryl McPherson, Co-Captain Debbie Linsteadt, 1st Lieutenant Cindy Hall, 2nd Lieutenant Julie Dane
Team Members: J. Baldwin, Lisa Steward, Janet Richardson, Susie Ethridge, Sharon Snoddy, Jerri Gwaf, G. Tyer, M Hughes, Kathleen Stevenson, Becky Berry , D. Bentle, R. Mitchell, N. Yarborough, L. Dumas, V Bedford
Once again, Norma Hopkins served as the Indianette sponsor/director. The Indianettes attended the Blue and Gold camp at East Texas State University and the officers attended officer camp at Sam Houston State University. Favorite Prop: Umbrellas
Director: Mary Priest
Officers: Captain Debbie Linsteadt, Co-Captain Janet Richardson, 1st Lieutenant Julie Dane, 2nd Lieutenant Sharon Snoddy
Team Members: Joy Gawf, Joanna Purcell, Lisa Steward, Diane Roland, Lisa McKee, Tracy Berkley, Celia Snoddy, Karen Nordling, Susan Hunt, Nancy Handy, Susie Ethridge, Becky Berry, Debbie Free, Renee Baron, Connie Ward, Susan McPherson, Michelle Hughes, Tommie Lou McPherson, Pam Guess, Kathleen Stevenson
Once again, the sponsor/directorship changed and Mary Priest took charge of the team of twenty-four. Favorite Prop: Hooplas.
Director: Vickie Hall
Officers: Captain Janet Richardson, Co-Captain Lisa McKee, 1st Lieutenant Joy Gawf, 2nd Lieutenant Lisa Steward
Team Members: Joan Gray, Nancy Haney, Susan Hunt, Angela Hutchens, Debbie Mullins, Tracy Berkley, Karen Nordling, Ginger Boykin, Kathleen Stevenson, Teresa broome, Connie Ward, Pam Guess, Gina Hicks, Tommie Lou McPherson, Cheryl Newton, Joanna Purcell, Teresa Rodgers, Carla Headen, Diane Roland, Diane Johnson, Jeannie Swallop, Jamie Quanz, Nicki Berry, Jamie Woodfin
Vickie Hall assumed the directorship of four officers and twenty-four members, the largest team to date.
Director: Joan Reynolds
Officers: Captain Lisa McKee, Co-Captain Jamie Quanz, Lieutenants Pam Guess, Diane Roland and Juanna Purcell
Team Members: Lori Darnell, SandyHudkaby, Sandy Javens, Shelly Karner, Dainya Lane, Annette McGilvary, Rene Miller, Susie Newton, Kendra Payne, Cindy Proffitt, Karen Quanz, Betty Richardson, Amy Roberts, D'Anna Steward, Karen Stevenson, Michele Taylor, Tracie Theodore, Dee Tyer, Laurie Wilkerson
The Indianettes expanded the officer line to five officers and the Spring brought yet another new Director, former Indianette, Joan Murrah Reynolds.
Director: Joan Reynolds
Officers: Captain, Jamie Quanz, Co-Captain D'Anna Steward, Lieutenants Cindy Proffitt, Lori Darnell, Susie Newton, and Annette McGilvary
Team Members: Cynthia McDonald, Geraldine Smith, Dianne Johnson, Dee Tyer, Laura Carroll, Kim Linder, Karen Quanz, Sandy Javens, Laurie Wilkerson, Deidra Stalcup, Patti Hall, Lori Walker, Dawn Yates, Lisa McCormick, Gina Crawford, Tammy Wagner, Martha Shallene, Rene Miller, Michelle McKinstry, Teri Love, Betty Richardson, Carol West, Sondra Rodgers, Amy Roberts, Shelly Karner, Michele Taylor, Stacy Schoolfield, Connie Manos, Tracie Theodore, Kendra Payne
Under Ms. Reynold's direction, the year yielded the largest team to date- six officers and thirty team members. '78-'79 was the first year the Indianettes competed in dance/drill team competition. The Indianettes were chosen “Best All Around Team” out of two hundred teams at the Miss Drill Team USA Competition and Pageant in Dallas, Texas.
Director: Kathy Fiala
As the Indianettes embarked upon another promising year, they also began working with another new director, Kathy Fiala. Eight officers and twenty-eight members attended Marching Auxiliaries camp held at TCU and won "Grand Champion". Betty Richardson won the first title of Miss American Drill Team. During competition season, they competed at Texas Weslseyn College in Ft. Worth Texas and won "Sweepstakes" and "Best in Class" in division 3A. The Indianette parents developed a support group, "The Indianette Service Organization".
Director: Kim Burge
Keller advanced to class 4A, the Indianettes, still growing strong, had forty members - seven officers, thirty-one line members, one manager and the first mascot, Jamie Crawford (Lieutenant Gina Crawford's little sister). Led by new director, Kim Burge, the Indianette officers attended officer camp at the University of Oklahoma and the team attended American Drill Team School at SMU. This year marked the beginning of special performances such as the TCU and UTA men's basketball games. The team experienced their first travel trip for competition to the Marching Auxiliaries Competition in San Antonio.
Director: Kim Burge
Forty-two members made up the 1981-1982 Indianette dance/drill team.The Indianette officers attended "Superstar" officer camp at SMU and the team attended camp at Texas Christian University hosted by "Marching Auxiliaries" dance/drill team camps. Keeping with the winning tradition, they received top honors of "Grand Champion" and Sweepstakes awards at competition. Once again, they gave special performances at college basketball games.
Director: Kim Burge
'82-'83 brought much success as the Indianettes received top awards at both the Superstar Officer Camp and Marching Auxiliaries Team Camp. The team maintained it's size at 42 members and this was the first year that the captain assumed the responsibility of a "squad". Once again, the team traveled to San Antonio for competition and returned more successful than ever. This is the first year that the team had designated "social officers" and the first year for a semi-formal banquet.
Director: Kim Burge
Forty-two members made up the 1983-1984 Indianette dance/drill team. They continued their association with Superstar Officer Camp and Marching Auxiliaries Team camp. Once again, the team members earned "Grand Champion" at camp. Rachel Barron was the second Indianette in Indianette history to win a solo title, "Miss American Drill Team". Competition season proved to be successful as the Indianettes earned top honors as well as "Best in Class" at every competition they entered. Once again, the Indianettes traveled to San Antonio for their annual travel trip. The Indianette Service Organization began the concept of craft shows in high schools and began hosting the annual "Christmas Bazaar".
Director: Kim Burge
The year proved to bring excitement but required a tremendous amount of flexibility. The "new" Keller High School opened, providing the team with a private locker room. "No Pass, No Play" policies were initiated by the Texas Education Agency. Six officers, thirty-four line members and four members (along with all of the Keller Administration) traveled to New Orleans. The Indianettes received a special invitation to perform at the 1984 World's Fair and for the New Orleans Saint's/Los Angeles Rams game halftime. Throughout competition season, the Indianettes received "Judges Awards" at all competitions and of course, they took their annual trip to San Antonio.
Director: Kim Burge
Forty-two team members carried on the winning tradition at camp and competition winning the newly coveted award, the "Technique Award", "Best in Class 4A", "Sweepstakes" and "Judges Awards". For the first time, they were named the "Texas Dance/Drill Team Champions".
Director: Kim Burge
With an out-of-state travel trip in mind, the Indianettes and Indianette parents hosted their first haunted house fundraiser, titled “Nightmare on Snow Street”. The Indianette officers attended Superstar Officer Camp at SMU and the team attended Marching Auxiliaries Team Camp, winning "Grand Champion". The Indianettes participated in the Greater Southern Contest of Champions in Orlando, FL and won the “National Championship Title” in the Novelty Division.
Director: Kim Burge
Making up the 1987-1988 Indianette dance/drill team were forty members, four managers and for the first time, five young men who served as honor guards. This was the first year that the Indianettes invited parents to the year-end banquet. The Indianettes were named “5-A Texas Championship Dance/Drill Team” and were included as one of the top five teams out of ninety teams to be selected to the "Winner's Circle" at the Marching Auxiliaries San Antonio competition. Lisa McKee Ham, a former Indianette captain and current staff member at Keller High School served as the substitute director during Kim Burge’s maternity leave. The Indianette Service Organization established the Burge Twin Memorial Scholarship Fund, which awards two $500 scholarships each year. A new pep rally uniform was designed and made by the mothers of the Indianette Service Organization.
Director: Kim Burge
The year brought wonderful experiences as the Indianettes entertained fans a football games, pep rallies, basketball games, competitions and commercials. A special invitation was given to the Indianettes to be in a commercial for Channel 8, which aired all year long. The kiss of success occurred once again as the Indianettes won "Sweepstakes", "Judges Award", "Best in Class 5A", "Top Five Winners Circle", numerous choreography awards, the "Gussie Nell Davis Award" (given by American Drill Team School) and numerous solo finalists. The Indianettes made their annual trip to San Antonio and helped christen Sea World for their grand opening . The team consisted of forty five members, three managers and seven honor guards.
Director: Kim Burge
Once again, Lisa McKee Ham served as the substitute director during Kim Burge’s maternity leave. The team consisted of fifty members, three managers and five honor guards. Despite their director's leave of absence, the Indianettes finished their year with great success by winning "Sweepstakes", "Judges Awards, "SuperSweepstakes", "Most Outstanding Dance Technique", Top Five Winner's Circle" and choreography awards.
Director: Kim Burge
The new year brought additional guidance as Kim Campbell, a math teacher, was hired to serve as an assistant director to help the current director, Kim Burge. The Indianettes traveled to Orlando, Florida for competition and won the "National Title" for officer lines. The team traveled, once again, to San Antonio and received top awards, choreography awards, "Sweepstakes", "Judges Award" and "Top Ten Most Outstanding Teams" out of 102 teams in competition.
Director: Kim Burge
The Indianette field uniform received a face-lift. After much consideration, the Keller Independent School District agreed to purchase and supply the field uniform for the Indianettes. The lines and design from the "old" uniform were used to create the "new" look, which provided more flexibility in wear and usage of the uniform. For the first time in many years, the Indianettes had members on the team from the 9th to the 12th grades. Previous years limited the team to 10th through 12th grade. The Indianettes were successful once again throughout their competition season winning "Sweepstakes", "SuperSweepstakes", choreography awards and individual solo awards. The end of the competition season took the team to Orlando, Florida to participate in the national competition hosted by the Great Southern Contest of Champions. The Indianettes performed the pre-game show for the Dallas Maverick basketball team. Director, Kim Burge was named the first "Director of the Year" by Texas Dance/Drill Team Educators Association
Director: Kim Burge
The Indianette dance/drill team had fifty members, five managers and five honor guards. Renovations to the athletic wing during the summer gave the Indianettes a much larger locker room with more space for storage. The Indianettes won the "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader competition. As a result of their success, the Indianettes were chosen to perform at the Dallas Cowboy/Kansas City Chiefs pre-game show. Tonya Rabon won the top solo award and Shannon Caldwell was chosen most photogenic. This was the first year in Keller's 5A history the Keller Indian football team went to the playoffs, which required additional performances during the playoff season. Once again, the Indianettes won top honors throughout competition season.
Director: Kim Burge
Despite their director, Kim Burge's maternity leave, the fifty Indianettes bonded together and enjoyed an outstanding '93-'94. They received "Grand Champion" at the MA camp, top awards at Showmaker's officer camp, 1st place in the Military division of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Competition, the top team at the Maverick Competition and top awards at the competition in San Antonio. Tonya Rabon won top solo awards as Miss American Drill Team and top solo awards at the Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleader Competition Special performances included opportunities to perform during an extended football season, the halftime of the Maverick Game, the Keller Fair, the Red Ribbon Rally and the Wild West Days. Funds were raised by the Indianettes to purchase a team set of new pep rally uniforms.
Director: Kim Burge
Touting forty-nine team members, five managers and six honor guards, the Indianettes chose to host their own home dance camp with custom dance choreography. Brooke Burge served as the second mascot in Indianette history. The officers attended the new Marching Auxiliaries Officer Camp at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Once again, the Indianettes won the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Competition and performed at the Dallas Cowboys/Washington Redskin pre-game show. Special performances included performing for a trade show at the DFW Hyatt, for Peyton Wright Ford and assisting with the city of Keller's Haunted Trail. The Indianettes introduced the annual “KHS Man of the Year” competition.
Director: Kim Burge
Once again, the Indianettes won "Grand Champion at the Marching Auxiliaries Line Camp and the officers took top honors at MA's Officer Camp. The Indianettes were the feature performers at the Oil Bowl in Wichita Falls, Texas. Special performances included two performances for the Dallas Cowboys. Seven team members participate as part of a dance on a European tour to Holland, Belgium and France.
Director: Kim Burge
Officers: Captain Annie Mullins, Lieutenants: Nicole Robinson, Courtney Gann, Susan Irvine, and Elyssa Scroggs
The Indianettes won the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Competition for the third year and they were the feature performers at a Dallas Cowboy's football game. They competed in Orlando, FL at the Great Southern Contest of Champions and for the first time performed the “Light show” to a dragon theme.
Director: Kim Burge
Officers: Captain Elyssa Scroggs, Lieutenants Susan Irvine, Courtney Gann, Kristen Hubbell, Adrienne Alvarado
Under the direction of Kim Burge, this team of forty-eight members, five managers, and five honor guards competed at Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Competition and won Senior Division Grand Champion with the first ever “Perfect Score” in the seven years of the DCC competition. The Indianettes were named “National Champions” in the High Kick Division and were awarded second place in both the Military and Prop Divisions in at the Marching Auxiliaries National Competition at UTSA and Sea World in San Antonio, Texas. Elyssa Scroggs earned top soloist awards at the Starmakers competition in Garland, Texas. The "Man of the Year" program was hosted at KHS's sister high school, Fossil Ridge High school due to the construction of Keller High School's Fine Arts facility. KHS opened its fine arts center in January of 1998, which provided the Indianettes with a special. floored dance facility, complete with mirrored walls.
Director: Kim Burge
Officers: Captain: Kristen Hubbell, Lieutenants: Jennifer Greer, Shawna Ore, Lindsey Danielson, and Lisa Henslin
'98-'99 proved to be another banner year for the Indianettes with a large team of fifty-five members, five managers, and six honor guards. Activities throughout the year included a salute to “Thirty years with the Keller Indianettes”. A video documenting the first 30 years was produced. Seven team members, comprised of seniors and officers, participated in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The Indianettes took on a different twist for competition season and attended American Drill Team School's "Kicking On the High Seas" competition/cruise on the "Big Red Boat" (to Nassau and Port Lucya). They won top honors at their competition and were named the top academic team for their GPA average. The Indianettes were named "Best in Class 5A" at the Showmakers competition in Colleyville. Director Kim Burge was named "KHS Co-Teacher of the Year" and "Top Ten Directors of America" by Dance/Drill Team Directors of America.
Director: Kim Burge
Officers: Captain Lisa Henslin, Lieutenants: Ashley Davis, Kim Holash, DeAnn Witham and Crystal Woodard.
A year of diversity was in store for this team. The Indianettes consisted of forty-nine members of the Indianette dance/drill team and five managers who won "Grand Champion" at the Marching Auxiliaries Dance/Drill Team Camp in June, 1999. The Indianette officers won the "Gold Award" and leadership awards at the Marching Auxiliaries officer camp at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. With the help of other teams, the Indianettes hosted a kick-a-thon in order to assist a fellow drill team member from Colleyville who had contracted e-coli while at camp. The Indianettes made a splash at Homecoming performing a routine that was their interpretation of synchronized swimming. The swimming pool proved to be a hit witht he crowd each time the routine was performed. The Indianettes won Grand Champion for the sixth time in nine years and were invited to perform at the Thanksgiving game on national television with Clint Black and Lisa Hartman Black and then again with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders at Christmas time. Sadness engulfed the team as they received word that 1999 graduate and Indianette Honor Guard, Chad Powell, lost his life in the A & M Bonfire tragedy. In the Spring the Indianettes captured a second "National Champion" title in the Kick Division at MA Nationals.
Director: Kim Burge
Officers: Captain: Ashley Davis, Lieutenants: Christi Day, Randi Lewis, DeAnn Witham and Crystal Woodard.
The Indianettes began the 32nd year with the officers taking top honors at Marching Auxiliaries officer camp at Sam Houston State University. The team followed with award winning performances at summer camp at the University of North Texas. Football gave a new meaning to the fourth presentation of the "Bob and Sue" dance. This special group of dancers (daughters, dads and friends), not only danced for homecoming with a fifties "Bob & Sue" production, but competed at the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader competition and placed first in the novelty division. The team invited Dana Macking to become the third Indianette mascot in Indianette history. Mrs. Kim Burge celebrated her twenty first year as the director for the Indianettes.
Director: Christie Panno
Assistant Director: Kristin Hepworth
Dance Officers: Captain Victoria Alexander, Lieutenants Marlayna Muckensturm, Maria Shedler, Audrey
Pino, Sarah Kardell
Line Officers: President Alana Staudt, VP Sloane Souther, Secretary Brooke Woodard, Historian Kendyl
Bohn, Chaplain Cassidy Phillips.
The Indianettes came under the direction of Mrs. Panno right before team camp. The Indianettes had 5
dance officers, 5 line officers, 45 line members, 5 managers, and 1 team nurse. The Indianettes had a
successful football season, helping raise thousands of dollars for Susan G. Komen, performing their
horse prop routine, and the annual Bob & Sue routine. They also performed and helped raise awareness
for Alzheimers at the “Beauty & the Beast” wrestling match. There was an ice storm for the record
books that kept the Indianettes from hosting their annual Craft Show the first week of December.
However, the Craft Show went on and was held right before Christmas. The Indianette team and
officers won Grand Champion at the Dallas Dance Spectacular and they traveled to San Antonio for their
team trip.
Director: Christie Panno
Assistant Director: Melissa Guillet
Dance Officers: Captain Maria Shedler, Lieutenants Jenna Bittick, McCall Chatham, Ashley Losa, Alexa
Line Officers: President Torri Lancaster, VP Erin Smith, Secretary Cearra Ertle, Historian Rachel Mason,
Chaplain Kassidy Post
This team started the year with a memorable trip to Midland, TX for the first game of the season. After
a lightning delay, the team rode home through the night and pouring rain. They arrived to KHS at 4am
and went to school the following day. The Indianettes had 43 members, 5 managers, and 6 honor
guards this year. This year the drumline and Indianettes teamed up together to put on a memorable
homecoming pep rally performance. During football season they performed a throwback prop routine.
Tonya Rabon Magalei (captain, 1994) taught them the Indianette “rickshaw” routine. The Keller
Indianettes were also featured during NBC 5’s “Game of the Week” performing their rickshaw tricks. The
senior dance and line officers were featured in the “K” magazine with their famous pumpkin rolls.
Pumpkin Rolls were sold out before the annual Craft Show. Prior to competition season, the team
traveled to New York. They had a great time seeing Wicked, Mamma Mia, playing in the snow in Central
Park, and taking dance classes from Rockettes and at Alvin Ailey. The Indianettes went on to win State
Grand Champion team, Best Pom of contest, and National Champions in Jazz, and Pom. Lauren Pair &
Rhyse Smith won National Champion for their duet and Presley Watson won National Champion for her
Director: Christie Panno
Assistant Director: Shelly Waggoner
Dance Officers: Captain McCall Chatham, Lieutenants Ashley Losa, Alexa Roberts, Audrey Long, Presley
Watson, Kelli Pickrel
Line Officers: President Cearra Ertle, VP Megan Hannas, Secretary Lauren Pair, Historian Taylor Chilcoat,
PR Lexie Cairns, Chaplain Caelin Bennett
Despite the team’s director, Christie Panno, being on maternity leave for the birth of her son, the team
had a very successful football season under the direction of Mrs. Waggoner and the officers. This was
their second year to perform a crowd pleasing pom/kick pep rally routine. A rained out football game
caused the groovy annual Bob & Sue routine to be performed during a basketball game. The Indianettes
had a spectacular competition season, winning numerous 1st place trophies and having the highest
scoring kick routine at all three competitions- yes, mermaids do kick! They finished off their season in
Houston with Presley Watson being awarded National Champion soloist and the team awarded as the
Pom & Kick National Champions!